by globalpro | Apr 3, 2020 | Business
MELTING ICE CAP REVEALS RESET BUTTON. — @johnjohnjungle by means of Instagram Honorable Mentions: Then a ship from Krypton landed. — @marcelo_paixao_almeida by means of Instagram Everyone gets 5 totally free in global journeys. — @clawd2deth by means...
by globalpro | Mar 24, 2020 | Finance
On World Water Day, warning that more than half the global population lacking access to safely managed sanitationDecades of chronic underfunding of water infrastructure is putting many countries at worse risk in the coronavirus crisis, with more than half the global...
by globalpro | Mar 20, 2020 | Finance
Analysis of 35 leading investment banks shows financing of more than $2.66tn for fossil fuel industries since the Paris agreementThe worlds largest investment banks have funnelled more than 2.2tn ($2.66tn) into fossil fuels since the Paris agreement, new figures show,...
by globalpro | Mar 3, 2020 | Travel
Of the varied conspiracy theories regarding contrails—you know, chemtrails—one stands out for being especially wrong: have found that contrails (a portmanteau of condensation and trails) may contribute Stay in the know with our Transportation newsletter....
by globalpro | Feb 23, 2020 | Travel
HONG KONGSwarms of desert locusts have devastated crops in East Africa, hit the Middle East and moved into South Asia. Theyre breeding fast thanks to changes in global climate patterns that have brought about major cyclones and heavy rains, and they are feeding off...
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