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What These Insane Unemployment Stats Actually Mean

What These Insane Unemployment Stats Actually Mean

For the 6.6 million people filed claims. The previous week, 3.3 million did so.Weve simply never seen anything close to this pace of layoffs in the United States. The average weekly claim level before mid-March was 350,000. The prior peak was 695,000, in the early...
Want to Save the Economy? Listen to Fauci, Not Trump.

Want to Save the Economy? Listen to Fauci, Not Trump.

On Thursday, America learned that well over COVID-19 pandemic. But somehow worse is that our leadership has wavered from chaotic to unreliable to, most recently, existentially dangerous. Im referring, of course, to President Donald Trumps right: If we go back to work...
The 20 best startups from Y Combinators W20 Demo Day

The 20 best startups from Y Combinators W20 Demo Day

With world events overtaking the tech world’s preferences to meet for coffees and convene at events, Y Combinator skipped its famous two-day live Demo event and went for a radical experiment: no demos at all, but instead a long list of the nearly 200 startups in...