by globalpro | Mar 19, 2020 | Finance
Governments warn disease will cause huge challenges for health services across AfricaCoronavirus latest updatesSee all our coronavirus coverageCountries across Africa have imposed wide-ranging and stringent new measures as the coronavirus begins to spread more rapidly...
by globalpro | Feb 23, 2020 | Travel
HONG KONGSwarms of desert locusts have devastated crops in East Africa, hit the Middle East and moved into South Asia. Theyre breeding fast thanks to changes in global climate patterns that have brought about major cyclones and heavy rains, and they are feeding off...
by globalpro | Nov 24, 2019 | Travel
Discoveries near Saqqara necropolis shed light on ancient use of animals in worshipA rare discovery of mummified big cats, cobras and crocodiles has been unveiled by Egyptian authorities. Egyptologists are thrilled at the cache, which includes dozens of mummified...
by globalpro | Sep 24, 2019 | Business
Teargas and live rounds fired at demonstrators in Suez after crowds require the elimination of president Abdel Fattah al-Sisi Egyptian security forces have actually encountered numerous anti-government protesters in the port city of Suez in a 2nd day of presentations...
by globalpro | Sep 5, 2019 | Travel
Egypts vast, much-delayed museum is scheduled to open in 2020. But while Tutankhamuns treasures are being readied for tourists, some critics see the building as a vanity projectIn the vast, shade-dappled atrium of Egypts new Grand Egyptian Museum, construction work...
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