by globalpro | Jan 11, 2020 | Travel
Hawaii has long evoked images of a Pacific paradise but Kamilo Beach, located on the Big Island, presents a starkly different realityAn array of plastic crunched underfoot as Mattie Mae Larson walked down Kamilo Beach. Toothbrushes, a plastic broom, a leaking bottle,...
by globalpro | Jan 9, 2020 | Travel
Bees are essential to the functioning of Americas titanic almond industry and billions are dying in the processDennis Arp was feeling optimistic last summer, which is unusual for a beekeeper these days. Thanks to a record wet spring, his hundreds of hives, scattered...
by globalpro | Jan 8, 2020 | Finance
Stephanie Kelton says Australia could absolutely benefit from a program similar to the Green New DealAustralias unprecedented bushfires are a wake-up call to the world about the importance of tackling climate change, Bernie Sanders economic adviser said, and the...
by globalpro | Jan 2, 2020 | Business
Unless we focus on shared solutions, violent storms and devastating blazes could be the least of the worlds troubles. Civilisation itself will be at riskGood morning. Here is the shipping forecast for midday, 21 June, 2050. Seas will be rough, with violent storms and...
by globalpro | Dec 31, 2019 | Travel
After water, concrete is the most widely used substance on the planet. But its benefits mask enormous dangers to the planet, to human health and to culture itselfIn the time it takes you to read this sentence, the global building industry will have poured more than...
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