by globalpro | Apr 21, 2020 | Business
It’s a reassuring idea at a time of unforeseeable pandemic : What if I had it currently– perhaps even that time I felt ill a couple of months ago? After all, while recorded occurrence of so-called “quiet”– or asymptomatic– spreaders...
by globalpro | Apr 19, 2020 | Travel
Muhammadu Buharis chief of staff dies and 20 people close to Ashraf Ghani test positiveCovid-19 has moved closer to the heart of government in Nigeria, where the presidents chief of staff has died, and Afghanistan, where the president is in near-isolation after at...
by globalpro | Apr 18, 2020 | Travel
American and Russian crew touch down in Kazakhstan after months on International Space StationThe three-person crew of the International Space Station returned to Earth on Friday morning, arriving back to a world that has been radically transformed by coronavirus in...
by globalpro | Apr 17, 2020 | Business
Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho was in mourning. Beyond the windows of his hillside house in Ensenada, Mexico, the sun glinted brilliantly off the waters of the Pacific, but he'd drawn the curtains closed. In his living room, hanging above plush leather furniture, were...
by globalpro | Apr 15, 2020 | Business
Coronavirus crisis has led to billions of people around the world facing enhanced monitoringThe coronavirus pandemic has led to an unprecedented global surge in digital surveillance, researchers and privacy advocates around the world have said, with billions of people...
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