by globalpro | Apr 2, 2020 | Travel
Vice President Mike Pence was left flustered Wednesday when CNN anchor lengthy period of coronavirus threat, insisting the president is just an optimistic person and never belittled the crisis.Discussing the White House coronavirus task forces
by globalpro | Mar 2, 2020 | Travel
Vice-President, leading White House taskforce on outbreak, claims Republicans are only pushing backWhen Donald Trump Jr said Democrats hope coronavirus kills millions of people in the US because they want to bring his father down, he was merely pushing back at...
by globalpro | Sep 6, 2019 | Travel
The vice-presidents comments on Brexit while visiting Ireland and his stay at his bosss golf course did not go down wellMissteps during Mike Pences visit to Ireland that included controversial praise of the British prime minister, Boris Johnson, have led to...
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